Saturday, August 29, 2009

Podcasting : week 2 blogs

Smart Board Lesson Podcast:

Smartboard lesson

The clip talked about technology and tools in the class room. They talked about the I pod touch and all the different apps that can be used in the class room. The ipod touch has a recorder and things that you can use the Internet. Also that they where comparing it with a lab top. Also they talked about a pen that can record and also save the information that you have written with it. They also talked about that technology is great in the class room.

Also that we can't get to rapped up in that if there isn't technology in class room that students won't learn as much and that's not true. Also that there are so many teachers that are getting the students attention with out technology and the students are learning just as much if not more. Because the teacher is always going to be coming up with new way to teach and interact with the students. So that they get a better understanding. I think teachers should have a over all understanding of technology but that it should not be so stressed upon them to know every little detail about it.

It also talked that students where talking to other students around the world. About different languages they where being taught. It also talked about that students using google docs to say things about the teacher they have. Also that they talked about different ideas in the class room. Different things that you could use technology for in the class room.

The over all the clip was really good i enjoyed listening to it. I learned some things I didn't know before about the I pod touch. I do have to say that is one impressive device. To know that you can do so much with it to help you study by recording a lecture to having the Internet right there in your hand that's cool.



The audio clip talked about podcast how it works and and what it is about. Which computers are better for the video or the audio. If you decided to use the video than the Mac Computer works better. Because it is already built in to the computer. If you decided to use a audio than you Will have to get the web cam and have it put on to your computer. The way to choose if you should do the video or the audio is if the content requires you to have a picture.

Than a video would be just as good or even better. Because you can get the emotion and the expression of the subject. Also if you should do either video or audio. The video podcast is a lot harder you also have to make sure that you have the time to do it and the resources to do it. You also need to make sure that if you are going to do a video if you make a mistake than it is harder to edit it out. Than the audio you can't see the mistake as much as if you where watching it.

It also talked about if a teacher decides to make a audio or video. They tended to get too involved and not let the students come up with their own ideas. About how to do it or what topic the would like to talk about. Also how they would like to format it and contract the audio or the video.

The Podcast are neat I never thought about that there was something out there that you can either talk about or make a video. On just about any topic that you would like to talk about. Which is a very fascinating thing. Because millions and millions of people can watch it or listen to it all over the world.

Connect Learning Episode 90:


This Episode 90 talked about using podcast in the class room as well as at the library. Also at home as well. It talked about recording the teacher in his or her lectures and being able to hear them again at home. Also having some students show examples of for instances like math problems etc. So that the students would get a different view of the lesson. So that they may see it in a different light.

The conversation was about pod casting with media coordinators. There was about 9,000 librarians speak there minds about the pod casting with the media. A lot of them agreed that it would benefit the students and have even more information out there for them. Also that they would have access to it if they ever had a question about something in the lecture or what the teacher was saying. They could go back to look.

The clip also talked about lets say you where moving to a new area and you wanted to find out more about the schools. You could go to the podcast and see what the schools activities ,and also what there are involved in as well. what there goals are as well as meet the teachers and also be able to see what the students said about the school.

Pod casting is a really neat thing to be able to have that kinda of information out there is incredible. One of the questions that he asked was Why should students still go to the library when it is only a click away? I had to stop and think about that because we are getting to the era that technology is all around us. But we still need the library because it introduces us to so much more and it is a little easier if you can just go the library and get the book. rather than search for it.



This audio cast talked about how to get teachers more involved with technology in the class room. Also how to get them more involved in other things like conference and that talk about the goals and long term goals as well. It talked about that students when they do a project that they shouldn't be so restricted on what they can do and what they can't do.

Although i do see the point in that because if you make the topic to broad than the student might get too carried away and the paper would ended up to be like 5 pages long when it only needed to be 2 pages. So teachers should have some restrictions on topics. But sometime it's nice to see even more information about a topic because you might learn something you didn't know about.

I think that it is important that teachers go to workshops and learn about other ways to teach or new products that are coming out. Because the world is changing so fast and we have to be able to keep up with it. I'm not saying that we need to know everything but it helps to know about somethings new that are coming out.

It is so important that we keep up with new products to help the teachers in the class room. Because they are coming out with new ways for teachers to teach. Also for students to learn. So that when students get there degrees they have some what of an idea of the kind of technology that is already out there.

This week in photography:

This week in Photography

This audio clip talks about camera's and the different kinds of them. Which ones are good. They say that it is good to switch around so that you get not just used to one camera. So that you can get all you can out of that camera. They talked about that you can go to google and look up the camera that you have and learn more about it. How it works and what all the features do to get the most out of your camera. They also talked about some of the things that come with the camera like the straps.

They talked about a rumor that cannon was coming out with a new camera called the EOS 7D. But they are not real sure if it is going to come out. They said that there is really no camera that is bad. It's just what your preference is if you want one that has a lot of zoom or meg pixels. It's really just which one you like the best.

They went on to talk about the mac computer and said it was good. They went on to ask viewers what they thought about the different cameras and which one that they liked best. Its really what you want it for to take pictures of everyday tings or if you are going to use it for your job. As a recorder or taking pictures. To go to a place that knows a lot about cameras to make sure that you get the right one for you.

They also did an interview with Jim Heid, who is a photographer ,and author etc. He help come up with the concept of I Life. For the i phone and it is a manual or book to help users figure out all the features. Also to be able to help the user out with any question he or she might have. He also continues to help with new versions.

MacBreak Weekly:

Macbreak Weekly

This audio clip talked about the new program that apple is coming out with. It is called Snow leopard. They went on to talk about that it was a lot cheaper than windows xp. It's only about $30.00 dollars compared to the $50.00 or more for the windows xp. They also said that it was like min programs instead of like 150 programs crammed all in one.
They also said that this is one of the biggest upgrades that apple has done in a long time. Also that apple has a website that you can go and find the applications that are going to be on your computer and learn a little about what each one does. You can also find there that which ones that they are having trouble with. There was Harley anything negative said about the old apples programs and how much that they liked the Mac computers.
The I phone came up in the conversation about all the different things that it can do. It's funny the more that I have heard about the I phone The more I'd like to have it. They talked about an app on the I phone That you can take pictures of a area and convert them and send them to other people as a site for a movie. That this app would be a good one for movie makers.
It was also mentioned that this I phone was just a really neat device that has come out. I guess that we are getting to the time that sooner or later we are all going to have flying cars the way. They talk about all the technology that has come out or that is coming out. It's almost everyday that the technology is just one step in front of us.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Media Rich Post


Michael Jackson

(CNN) -- The Los Angeles coroner has concluded preliminarily that singer Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol, a powerful sedative he was given to help him sleep, according to court documents released Monday.

Los Angeles' coroner Dr. Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran reached that preliminary conclusion after reviewing toxicology results carried out on Jackson's blood, according to a search warrant and affidavit unsealed in Houston, Texas.
The affidavit outlines probable cause for search warrants of the offices of doctors who are believed to have treated Jackson.
The Associated Press is quoting a single law enforcement official, who says the L.A. County Coroner has ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide. The Los Angeles County Coroner's office told CNN they had "no comment" on the report. An LAPD spokesman says the story did not come from their department.
The 32-page warrant said Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal physician, told a detective that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for six weeks. Murray said each night he gave Jackson 50 mg of propofol, also known as Diprivan, diluted with the anesthetic lidocaine via an intravenous drip.
Worried that Jackson may have been becoming addicted to the drug, the Houston cardiologist said he attempted to wean him from it, putting together combinations of other drugs that succeeded in helping Jackson sleep during the two nights prior to his death.
But on June 25, other drugs failed to do the job, as he recounted to detectives in an hour-by-hour account that was detailed by detective Orlando Martinez of the Los Angeles Police Department:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts.

This video was good I think that it is so important to have technology in the class rooms. It just opens the students minds so much. The teacher showing them how to blog in high school that's really cool. I can honestly say that I didn't know how to blog until I got to college. Most of my computer learning was done in college. I would have loved to gone to a different part of the world in high school.

The clip talked about that the teacher was using all kinds of technology everything she could get her hands on for her class room. That the teacher had traveled and talked to other teachers and brainstormed new ideas that they could come up with to help students learn better in the class room. It is amazing to me that we can do so much like blogging with other students half way around the world to having video cameras on our computers talking with people half way around the world. To 3D video on a computer or to making a website.

I would have never believed that we would have so many tools. That we can use in a class room its amazing. Like the computer or even a web cam that you can talk to some one miles even another country away. The possibilities are endless. It just makes you stop ,and think what else are they going to come out with next.

It just goes to show that everyday new ,and better ways to teach ,and bring new things to the class room. With technology their can never be a dull moment. Because every where you look their is technology. It will be very interesting to see what they come out with next to help teacher's teach students.

Next Generation Learning.

This video was incredible it was about using technology in the class rooms. It is so true what the boy said in the video that we have come a long way since writing on the boards with chalk to having slides in the class rooms to having computers in the classes as well. I think that using the wii and the computers like in the video will help the kids learn a more exciting way and gets them involved. Also uses their creativity to come up with ways to do projects for school.

I really wish that more schools where able to have the money to do things like that in the video with the wii and the computer on the wall that you can write on and get the kids more active in school I think that it helps them see, hear and participate in it so that they learn it instead of just listening and hearing it. Because we all know if you can participate in something you are more likely to retain it that just listening. Also making learning fun again for the kids is a big thing.

In the video they could go online ,and do their homework if they go on vacation. They can still do it with out getting behind on their school work. They could also access it from their phone. It was really neat to see that they can check out a computer in their library to take it home to do a paper or research on. That is just amazing that they have the resources to do that. Now tell me that's not cool or what. Their is so many things that are available for the students sometimes it just comes down to money unfortunately.

I hope that one day all schools will be able to have the resources to be able to have the technology to have that kind of learning in the class rooms. I think that it would help so much. Also get kids thinking ,and learning in a whole new way. I can't wait to see the future holds for kids in the class room. I guess we will have to wait ,and see.

Do You know? 3.0

That video opened my eyes. I had no idea that technology was evolving that fast. If you where a student trying to do anything with a computer by your second year of work the technology would be so far Head that it would you behind. That's just "wow" is all i can say. That's just incredible to think that if myspace was a country it would be the 5Th largest. It's just hard to comprehend. In the five minutes it took to watch the video that they are coming out with something more new ,and exciting for us to learn about.

Also to know that India has more honor kids than the United States it just doesn't see right. To know that students that are taking classes right know in college might not have a job when they graduate is really hard to think about. It just doesn't seem like that could be true. I mean it's great that the world is becoming that advance but what is next i mean "what happens if like computers start taking over jobs?" what then? Its fascinating that the Internet didn't take that long to reach everyone.

It is also amazing that their is a device that you can download music to and you can listen to it. You can take it with you ,and play it through the car radio. I bet people back then never thought that you could ever do that. It also talked about that in the course of the 5 minutes it took to watch the video in the US 67 children where born. It's a real eye opener to know that things are really happening everyday that many people are unaware of.

I mean think about it every time you go into a phone store their is always a new phone that can do more than the one that you own. So you get it and the next time their is other one with even more bells and whistles. I guess what I'm saying is that we all live in a world that is vastly changing ,and although we can't slow it down a little. We need to get one the train before it passes us by. Because their is so much ,and so many things that we haven't even been able to see yet. I can tell you one thing that I am looking forward to it to see what else is to come.

The Importance of Creativity.

Let me first say that I really enjoyed Ken Robinson's lecture it was creative and also keep you entertained while you where watching it. I have to say that I experienced some creativity from a teacher the first day of class. I wasn't sure when she came in with a big drum but it caught my attention as well as everyone else in the class. when she started playing it and we where asked to say our names after we had to say a saying that meant welcome. I do a agree with him so much of our schools focus on just the basics such as math, science and English etc. We need creativity in our children's life's.It helps them and us think out side the box rather than in it. It helps you come up with different ways of teaching and other things as well.

So many people think if you have a degree that is the only way you are ever going to make something of yourself. In today's life I would have to say that yes you do need the degree.You also need to have some creativity in your life as well so that you can be a more balance person. So that when you have that big project at work for your big company you can think outside the box to come up with a really great idea for your company or even for a student to be able to teach in a different way to help a student learn it .

We all need a little creativity in us because if we didn't we might be all a little boring ,and plain. Creativity makes our minds go beyond and lets us see that we can do other things. Like play a instruments ,and act in a play or even sing. It also shows us that their are other things that we can go besides the basics. Creativity is a great thing and should not be wasted but used.

Although many of us frown on creativity because we think it may hurt our children ,and we don't think that it is of any use to us because we have all the basics down and we don't think that we need any more. It can never hurt us to have a little creativity in us it is what makes us one of a kind ,and different from the other person.

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Post

My name is Laura Smith I'm 24 years old. I'm from Fairhope, AL I was born in Jackson, TN. where most of my family still lives the other part of my family lives in Flint, MI. My family ,and I moved down to Fairhope when I was only a year old. I have lived in Fairhope my whole life. My family and I have 19 American Quarter Horses. I show and compete in events with them mostly English events. My family and I have always been into horses ever since I could remember. We still have Horses but have not as many as we did. I just recently got engaged and I'm so excited I plan to get married after I graduate.

My mom and I still run and manage our horse farm while my dad runs a Chevy dealership up in Atmore, AL. My mom graduated from Michigan State. Both of my parents lived in Michigan all there lives. They where born and raised. As people would say true northerners. So u could say it took them some getting used to when they moved down to the south.

I graduated from Faulkner State in 2007. I received my first two years at Faulkner. I'm currently enrolled at the University of South Alabama. I plan on getting my degree in Elementary education. I really enjoy children and looking forward to the weeks ahead at college ,and learning all I can about this exciting field.